Amillion & 1 Photography & Video Imaging

Thermal Audits

Performing Thermal Audits

Performing thermal audits on buildings using a thermal imaging camera is a powerful
and non invasive means of monitoring and diagnosing the condition
of buildings. Thermal imaging technology has become one of the
most valuable diagnostic tools for building audits. A thermal
imaging camera can identify problems early, allowing them to be
documented and corrected before becoming more serious and more
costly to repair.

A building diagnostics audit with a thermal imaging camera can
• Visualize energy losses
• Detect missing or defective insulation
• Source air leaks
• Find moisture in insulation, in roofs and walls, both in the
internal and the external structure
• Detect mold and badly insulated areas
• Locate thermal bridges
• Locate water infiltration in flat roofs
• Detect breaches in hot-water pipes
• Detect construction failures
• Monitor the drying of buildings
• Find faults in supply lines and district heating
• Detect electrical faults

Thermal imaging cameras are the perfect tool for locating and
identifying building failures because they make the invisible visible.

On a thermal image problems seem to jump right out at you. You often hear that a picture is worth a thousand words but here at Amillion & 1 Photography and Video Imaging a picture is worth a million!

Thermal imaging is an outstanding tool to locate building
defects such as missing insulation, and
condensation problems.
To the right you will notice an example of a home with missing insulation in several locations (light orange spots) that is causing the heat from the interior to travel to the cold exterior of the home.

Above is an example of a home with missing insulation (light blue/purple spots) behind the drywall which is causing significant energy losses within the home. This room was hard to heat in the winter and tough to cool in the summer.

*(Left: Thermal Image, Right: Digital Image of the same area)

To the left here is an example of cold air on a hot day escaping from the home through energy losses from a non insulated door.

On the last example to the right is a water leak that could be observed from a leaking pipe in the ceiling.


At Amillion & 1, our Thermographer is Level II Certified  and is trained and certified by ITC, Infrared Training Center. ITC Infrared Thermography Certification is the gold-standard qualification within the thermography industry.  ITC certification verifies that a thermographer can:

1. Operate an infrared camera
2. Collect quality data
3. Produce professional infrared inspection reports
4. Understand the techniques and limitations of infrared thermography for specific applications

ITC certifications exceed the requirements of international infrared certification standards. All ITC courses are developed and taught by ASNT-certified instructors with advanced academic degrees and extensive field experience. In North America ITC Infrared Certification Courses meet or exceed ASNT SNT-TC-1A guidelines. Level I certification and Level II certification training are both accredited by NETA (International Electrical Testing Association, an accredited standards developer for the American National Standards Institute, ANSI).

To earn an ITC thermography certification, students must attend an infrared certification / training course, pass closed-book examinations and quizzes, and submit a field assignment demonstrating understanding of their application and proper use of the infrared camera. ITC offers three levels of certification. Students maintain and advance their infrared certification through continuing education and further training.


Residential Package: (Homes up to 3000 Square ft.)

Cost: $225

What's Included: A 1 hour thermal audit of your home by our nationally certified thermographer with detailed thermal and digital pictures of every accessible room including ceilings, floors, walk-ways, doors, windows, etc.  A detailed professional report which outlines the findings of the audit.

Commercial Package: (Warehouses, Manufacturing Plants, Hospitals, Office Space, Retail Stores)

Cost: $195 per hour. (The number of hours depend on how large the facility is.)

What's Included:  A thermal audit of your business by our nationally certified thermographer with detailed thermal and digital pictures of the building/office.  A detailed professional report which outlines the findings of the audit.  

Scheduling Thermal Audits

Thermal audits can save customers money by identifying issues that can cause you to pay more on electricity bills. To Schedule your home thermal audit please fill out the form to the right or call 803-216-5190 to contact us today!

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